Okay so this guy Jordan.we're both in 10th grade. I've never had a boyfriend before but I'm pretty sure he's had alot of girlfriends.
About a week ago we were using iPads in class to do research. (Of course no one was actually researching. Everyone was just taking pictures.) And then from the corner of my eye I could see him aiming his ipad at me as if he was taking a picture! And i heard this girl that's friends with him say "Oh my gosh you're such a creep taking pictures of her.!" So he was most probably taking pictures of me… (creepy yet flattering haha)
Then the next day i heard him say to the girl that said he was a creep "… girl in the blue shirt… " (that's all I heard) and I was the only girl in the room wearing a blue a blue shirt.
A few minutes later, the girl came up to me and said "Can i borrow a dollar?" so I gave it to her and she said "Thanks, it's for Jordan:)" so it's like he was too nervous to ask me or something.
Then yesterday he himself asked me for a dollar and I wasn't sure at first cause what if he's just pretending to be into me because I give him money? And he was like "you know you want to ;)" so I just gave it to him and he was like "Thanksss;) By the way, I'm Jordan!" and I was like "I'm (my name)" and he shook my hand…
I think he is really cute so if he likes me I kinda wanna jump on it… :)
Sorry this was really long!
Thanks! (:
Also I only have one class with him so we barely get to see each other /:
>>> Does he have a thing for me?