Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Should I get a laptop or an IPad for college?

I'll be a freshman in college this year and I need to get a computer for school. But, should i get an iPad or a laptop? Whats the pros and cons of both? Please and thanks

Read more: Should I get a laptop or an IPad for college?

Does ipad consume a lot of data when using iphone hotspot?

I wanted to hotspot my phone using my data plan for me to use my ipad anywhere while away from home, does it consume a lot of data?

Read more: Does ipad consume a lot of data when using iphone hotspot?

Is there an app I can use to temporarily block other apps?

I have an ipad that my school issued to me for school work. But since these iPads are ours for the years we're there we are also allowed to have games on it. I want and app that will let me set times for me to be unable to use certain apps during that time frame.

Read more: Is there an app I can use to temporarily block other apps?

How to buy games on an iPad?

Do you have to buy an iTunes card to buy games or is there such a thing as a App Store card please help me

Read more: How to buy games on an iPad?

I acidentally cracked my ipad 2 screen?

hello,so i acidentally dropped my ipad 2 today and the screen got broken really bad and the rear side of the screen too that i could see the parts inside a bit,is there any way i could fix the screen?thanks
Added (1). and yeah,it still works perfectly like before and the touchscreen is still fine

Read more: I acidentally cracked my ipad 2 screen?

How to get my iPad out of recovery mode?

my iPad has been stuck on recovery mode since yesterday and I've tried everything like restoring but that doesn't work either. Is there any way i can get it out or do i have to take it to the apple store to fix it?


Read more: How to get my iPad out of recovery mode?

How to transfer music from my iPhone to ipad? Do I need a desktop?

I've just been given an iPad for my birthday and am trying to sync my music from my iPhone 4S but I don't have a desktop. How do I do this?

Read more: How to transfer music from my iPhone to ipad? Do I need a desktop?

What Shorthand should I learn?

Long story short I'm want to use it to write my notes in College. Thus, it is a personal use―I and I alone will read my notes. And, no, I don't want to record my class, bring my iPad to type it or use ordinary long hand for handwriting.

I'm looking for the shorthand which is the fastest, and which has the less ambiguity.

Should I learn:
Pitman - May or may not be faster than Gregg, but requires a fountain pen. Most popular (I think). Most of the time a fountain pen is not accessible.
Gregg - Does not need line and heavier shading (unlike Pitman) and is fast. However, it is harder to read than Pitman.
Teeline - Easiest to learn, I believe, and least ambiguous. Way slower, or so I heard, than the two above.
Eclectic (Cross) - Least common, hardest to learn, and fastest to write.

If there are other shorthands that you will recommend to me that are not above then please include it. Also, if you will recommend Gregg which version should I use? I heard the best version is Simplified and then Anniversary.

For those who do not know Eclectic here is a comparison with it and Gregg, Pitman, and other shorthands.
What Shorthand should I learn - 1

Read more: What Shorthand should I learn?

I think my ipad has a virus?

I think my ipad has a virus. How can I check?

Read more: I think my ipad has a virus?

I cant find my pics on icloud from my computer then why does my ipad say the memory is full?

My ipad has this message that pops up every so often saying my icloud memory is full and I need to delete some things. I log onto icloud from my computer and there are no pictures on there at all and pictures are the only thing I have set to back up on my ipad. I don't understand why it says my memory is full even though there are no photos when I log in online. Am I missing something? Are the pictures being stored somewhere other than icloud? I just don't understand. I want to delete some so the message will go away but I cant do that if I cant find where its backing them up to.
Added (1). Also I moved to a new apartment about 2 months ago and when I have my location services on it still shows my ipad as being in the location of the old place even though it isn't. Why is that? How come it isn't updating or even accurately giving a location?

Read more: I cant find my pics on icloud from my computer then why does my ipad say the memory is full?