Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is wrong with 95.7 radio site, constantly getting kicked off?

I have 3 computers I work off of, a laptop, an ipad and desk top
When I get kicked of the desktop, the site remembers me, when I get kicked off the other 2, it does not, I am a guest, very frustrating, I have all the settings correct on the computers to remember be, anyone else having these issues? I can get kicked off at least 4 times in the morning. Please help?

Read more: What is wrong with 95.7 radio site, constantly getting kicked off?

Can you stream movies/TV shows on iPad?

Hi, I just got my iPad today and I'm wondering if you can stream movies and shows from a website or app?
I have Netflix etc and do use them but the selection is not wide enough.

Read more: Can you stream movies/TV shows on iPad?

How to fix Siri on iPad mini?

I haven't used Siri for a while and when I decided to use Siri, this is what happened I tried so many times I even turned off the Siri and the network connection and waited till the next day, I went closer to the internet but yet again it still happens
How do I fix it
How to fix Siri on iPad mini

Read more: How to fix Siri on iPad mini?

Can you get Instagram on ipad?

I want to get Instagram mostly because everybody at my school has it and I want to use it to comment on their pictures. I heard you can get it from ipad but when I searched the App Store it doesn't have it. How can I get it?

Read more: Can you get Instagram on ipad?

Best Wireless Router 2014?

I'm looking for new routers that perfect for me any suggestion.

Read more: Best Wireless Router 2014?

We think my partners ex has a spare key to the house?

My partner broke up with his ex and kicked her out over a year ago. I moved in 4 months ago and everything is going really great. She thinks she is God's gift and is constantly ringing my partner even though he has told her to do one on several occasions. I even had to get involved once. She likes to make a lot of things up and her newest claim is that me and my partner ripped up all her clothes even though she got given them back when I moved in. But since this claim alot of stuff has gone missing. E.g, his personalized cup, clothes, shoes, chargers, and leads for certain things also and most importantly his iPad.
We think she has a spare key to the house as we have searched absolutely every where in the house completely emptied every room, cupboard, draw everything you name it. My partner got a key off her when she got kicked out. But our neighbour has said since then he has seen her come into the house before but this was a couple months before I moved in.

Read more: We think my partners ex has a spare key to the house?

Is it good to buy an iPad air now or to wait for a new iPad air or an iPad pro to release?

Is it good to buy an iPad air now or to wait for a new iPad air or an iPad pro to release?

Read more: Is it good to buy an iPad air now or to wait for a new iPad air or an iPad pro to release?

IPad: Chess for beginners, and other games?

I'm not a gamer. I haven't a single game on my iPad Retina.

However the other day I was sitting in a bus station and I noticed this guy playing chess on his tablet and I thought to myself, 'yes I do need a game or two.'

Now I've really only got a very found rental grasp of chess, must be at least ten years since I attempted it last. So I thought to myself a good free 'How To Play Chess, app would be a good start but when I went to the App Store it was all a bit confusion, hence this question: Can you recommend a decent app that will teach me the fundamentals of chess - chess for beginners.

As mentioned above I'm not a gamer but I can see the benefits of having a few on my Retina so recommendations would be appreciated. I'd be after challenging games more than fun game, educational type games I suppose. I'm on the wrong side of fifty to want to spend my time blowing things up, or chasing little green men:)

Read more: IPad: Chess for beginners, and other games?

Should I get a macbook air or an iPad mini for school?

I am going to my first year of college this year hopefully. I want to take interior design and maybe a few other classes. Should I get a macbook air or an ipad mini?

I like the ipad mini because its light, small, I can surf the internet easily and I won't have to wait for it to start up. I was also thinking I could put all my textbooks on one tablet so I don't have to carry all my books around. I also have a stylus pen.

I was thinking a macbook air because I can take notes with it much easier with a real keyboard, I can take my notes on google docs maybe. I also feel like I can do much more with a mac than I could with an ipad.

I have never owned an Apple product except for the iPhone 3gs and 4s. The reason I was thinking of maybe possibly a mac computer was I was thinking about developing iphone and ipad apps for the app store, I figured if I can make a good enough game and sell it for $0.99 I can have a nice income coming in since I am no longer working. Idk I may not even do that yet. I just want something for school for now.

I have a windows 7 desktop at home. Thats about all I got.
Added (1). I was thinking of an ipad because I can not only use it for school for notes, my text books and everything else I need, but I can also play games and use it for a media device for when I am not at school and I am at home. I already have a desktop pc which I am on my computer 24/7. Idk I also feel an macbook air can do more things than an ipad could do. Does anybody know if I can pull up text book apps on a mac?

Read more: Should I get a macbook air or an iPad mini for school?

Charging 5 Volts and 1a with iPad 10 Volts charger?

I have a power bank that is 2000 mah. It says 5 volts buy can I charge it with a 10 Volt iPad charger?

Read more: Charging 5 Volts and 1a with iPad 10 Volts charger?