When using my ipad, I clicked on a link contained in an email (I know, I shouldn't have). It took me to a page that obviously was a phishing site, then came page 2 of it. Naturally the page was looking for all kinds of personal information, which I did NOT give. I simply closed the page.
I'm told by many that ipads just don't get viruses, nor would it have gotten anything malicious. How I discovered this was a malicious site was when I tried it with my desktop,& my Kaspersky blocked it saying the site was "malicious". My tech says the Kaspersky was doing it's job & that my pc is just fine, which made me wonder about my ipad. One person said that when I clicked on the link I COULD have allowed something to get on the ipad & what was on it could be discovered. Another said that wasn't true. I changed everything on the ipad.passwords, etc.etc. Then I took it one step further… I reset the ipad back to the factory settings. The ipad wasn't doing anything strange at all, but I felt more comfortable by restoring the settings. What's your opinion? Do you think the ipad is ok?
Read more: You think the ipad is ok?