Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop?

Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop? - 1
Added (1). I can't use programs such as Xcode on iPad any recommendations

Read more: Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop?

Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Read more: Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Would you be upset if someone screamed at your kid even if it was for breaking something expensive?

I was hanging out with my boyfriend and some of his siblings and his little nephew was having a fit and in his rage he picked up my ipad and threw it down. I was so angry and without thinking I sprung up and shoved him alway from it before he could stomp on it and I was screaming in his face. Everyone was pissed off at me but i don't see why. It's not like i hurt him. Am i not allowed to feel a certain way when my property gets damaged? Am i supposed to smile and pretend it didn't just happen?

Read more: Would you be upset if someone screamed at your kid even if it was for breaking something expensive?

How to stop (apple) device syncing from the device being synced?

My phone is connected to a computer I don't use, meaning from the computer you can see my phone's photos, web data, and so on. How can I turn this off through my phone? By the way you can see my web history too. Im guessing this all goes under the "connection" category.

Read more: How to stop (apple) device syncing from the device being synced?

I hate my life and I want to die. Help?

I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life but for some reason everyone AROUND ME always gets the LONG end of the stick.
For example:

(- = me, and + = everyone else)

-I live in the US And I hate whats going on here
+But BILLIONS more live in other non-corrupt countries
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
+But my friends/classmates always brag
about THEIR NEW stuff
-Everything nice I get just HAS to break
+But, again, everyone around me
somehow always has their NICE stuff IN SHAPE FOR YEARS
-I once did robotics class. Were split into two groups.
+My group used materials we had for years but the other group got NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAD. NOT FAIR.
-My school did the iPad program.
+Last year everyone had iPad 2s but then the new 6th graders got new AIRS. Again not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it then decides to go downhill. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format
Another thing, I play on a Minecraft server but now due to a new update everyone hates, people are leaving.
+But when ANY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE signs up, the same can't EVER be said for them.
These are only a few.

Like, WHY is it ME that ALWAYS has to get the short end of the stick in life but EVERY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE always gets the LONG end of the stick?
Why is it ME that ALWAYS has to SUFFER?!
Why ME?

(extending in updates)
Added (1). I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's SOMEHOW preventing ME from EVER actually getting the LONG end of the stick in life. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things.

And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse.
Added (2). I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! Its ALWAYS the short end of the stick for ME and NOTHING'S changing. I WANT things to change, but so far its been a YEAR and nothings better. And if its ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.

I'm thinking about signing up for a game of Russian roulette and hoping to get the bullet to end it all. What do I do?
Added (3). And DON'T give me answers like,"there are kids out there who have it worse than you" or "first world problems" BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THAT SHlT.
Added (4). Also, If you're going to tell me "be optimistic and positive",

Oh yeah, and any rude/mean/hurtful answers WILL result in a blocking.

(End of updates)

Read more: I hate my life and I want to die. Help?

How to spend less time on technologies and more time on studying?

I spend most of my day playing on my iPad(s) and watching on tv and less time on studying. And I want to stop playing, I don't know how. It's just that I'm addicted to it. I need help please?

- no camps

Read more: How to spend less time on technologies and more time on studying?

What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

Read more: What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

Can I transfer an app off my ipad onto my iphone?

I have a music app on my ipad that has been taken off the app store. I was wondering if i could somehow transfer that app onto my iphone

iPhone 5s / iPad 2 / the app is called itube ( its a music app )

Hope that this is possible:)

Read more: Can I transfer an app off my ipad onto my iphone?

How to fix a jammed volume button on ipad?

I can't click the button and it doesn't make any sound. And the volume icon ISN'T on the screen. Also does apple charge if I go there to fix it?

Read more: How to fix a jammed volume button on ipad?

Making 3 hours in the car go by fast?

We are going to Churchill downs tomorrow,ive waited 4 YEARS to go! Its 3 hours away how do i pass the time in my car without jumping out of my skin?!

Read more: Making 3 hours in the car go by fast?