So I have a Westell router/modem. Model 7500. I have been using it for nearly 2 years under default settings and have never changed the WEP password up until last night. I found out my neighbors were leaching off my internet so I kicked everyone out, changed the name of the server, and the password.
I began the process of reconnecting all my devices (with the new password) and everything went well.My brother came home the same night, and was able to connect his iPhone and iPad. Now my sister came home today and she tried connecting her iPad and it successfully connected and shows that it is connected with 4 bars of signal. However it is significantly slower than before (internet wise)
Hell, my old 2g ipod touch is out-loading things on YouTube than her iPad.any ideas would be appreciated. Basically she is connected, but her device is now a lot slower.
Added (1). Idk if this helps, I logged into my router, and noticed that my sister's IP address, was the same exact as my PS3's IP Address. I thought this was odd so i logged onto my PS3 and the IP address on my PS3 changed by going up one number.
The PS3 is still working quickly but my sister's iPad is still slow.
Added (2). Furthermore, her device is not showing up on the device list when i log into the router. Despite her device being connected to the router.
>>> Why did my iPad slow down after I changed the router Password and name?
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Body image problem? No one to talk too.?
So in school were relearning about eating disorders and body image disorders.
I'm a fourteen year old female and i think I have one. I am 4ft 10in and 110lbs and every time i look in the mirror i see this fat *** blob. I use to be 118 and the doctor told me it was perfectly fine because i look in great shape and it really doesn't matter what the number on the scale is and that my weight was most likely going to my breast and hips, but I still felt fat.So is stopped eating chips and sweets and soda and started exercising for thirty minutes Monday thru Friday. I lost 8lbs. But I still feel like a fat ***. And I know its not just a normal teen girl thing. I constantly look in the mirror. I constantly stare at my reflection on windows, mirrors, any reflective object. I hate my hair. I hate my stomach, I hate my legs and figure I'm not anorexic or bulimic, but I will admit last year i tried starving for a few days, but I stopped after like four days because i knew it was wrong and i have seen what it does, my friend IS anorexic.My sister WAS bulimic.My aunt IS bulimic. I asked my mom if she ever starved or purged as a kid and she said she didn't want to talk about it, so I am assuming she did. I have a feeling its a genetic thing. Plus my insecurity. And I heard if your sexually assaulted when you were young you could get an eating disorder. I'm not sure if this counts as sexually assaulted but when I was like 5 a boy a grade ahead of me, i use to goto his house because my bro use to be friends with him, well the boy would put his hand down my pants opand touch privates(he would tell my bro to get something and then he would be all creepy) I really didnt understand what was happening, so I didnt no exactly what to do, but one day i ran away from the boy and hid in the bathroom because i realized what was happening was very wrong.So I think I told my mom so we stopped going to the kids house and my bro and him aren't friends anymore. When I think about what happened, it doesn't really affect me, I hate him, but he was really little like 6 or 7 at the time when he did those things so maybe he didnt understand any better.My bro says the kids dad was perverted so maybe that's where he learned it from. But I really don't think about it.
I don't really no what to do, do i need a counsler? I have a low self esteem and body image problem and i have no one to talk to bout my problems.My friends don't no about my problem because i don't let them no, they wouldn't understand, and I don't want to come off as annoying or something. I try to talk to my mom about my body image problem but she doesn't want to here it, it makes her sad. And when I told her about the body image problem she asked did i really believe I had one and I said yes. And she just sort of changed the subject. I love her, and I know it must be hard for her to hear because she had to deal with my sister who WAS bulimic, but shes better now thankfully. And my moms sister who shes close is bulimic so i think its really hard for her to handle. And whenever my mom tells me I'm beautiful, I cry and get emotional because i just can't see it. I hate every pic of me. I hate my body. I keep so much of these negative feelings inside, my friends and family think I'm this cheerful fun loving charming girl who is always smiling and laughing-so they say- but deep inside I'm broken, stress, and have no one to talk too. I'm at lost. Idk what to do.
Ps if i used bad grammar or misspelling i am typing fast on an ipad, so sorry.
>>> Body image problem? No one to talk too.?
I'm a fourteen year old female and i think I have one. I am 4ft 10in and 110lbs and every time i look in the mirror i see this fat *** blob. I use to be 118 and the doctor told me it was perfectly fine because i look in great shape and it really doesn't matter what the number on the scale is and that my weight was most likely going to my breast and hips, but I still felt fat.So is stopped eating chips and sweets and soda and started exercising for thirty minutes Monday thru Friday. I lost 8lbs. But I still feel like a fat ***. And I know its not just a normal teen girl thing. I constantly look in the mirror. I constantly stare at my reflection on windows, mirrors, any reflective object. I hate my hair. I hate my stomach, I hate my legs and figure I'm not anorexic or bulimic, but I will admit last year i tried starving for a few days, but I stopped after like four days because i knew it was wrong and i have seen what it does, my friend IS anorexic.My sister WAS bulimic.My aunt IS bulimic. I asked my mom if she ever starved or purged as a kid and she said she didn't want to talk about it, so I am assuming she did. I have a feeling its a genetic thing. Plus my insecurity. And I heard if your sexually assaulted when you were young you could get an eating disorder. I'm not sure if this counts as sexually assaulted but when I was like 5 a boy a grade ahead of me, i use to goto his house because my bro use to be friends with him, well the boy would put his hand down my pants opand touch privates(he would tell my bro to get something and then he would be all creepy) I really didnt understand what was happening, so I didnt no exactly what to do, but one day i ran away from the boy and hid in the bathroom because i realized what was happening was very wrong.So I think I told my mom so we stopped going to the kids house and my bro and him aren't friends anymore. When I think about what happened, it doesn't really affect me, I hate him, but he was really little like 6 or 7 at the time when he did those things so maybe he didnt understand any better.My bro says the kids dad was perverted so maybe that's where he learned it from. But I really don't think about it.
I don't really no what to do, do i need a counsler? I have a low self esteem and body image problem and i have no one to talk to bout my problems.My friends don't no about my problem because i don't let them no, they wouldn't understand, and I don't want to come off as annoying or something. I try to talk to my mom about my body image problem but she doesn't want to here it, it makes her sad. And when I told her about the body image problem she asked did i really believe I had one and I said yes. And she just sort of changed the subject. I love her, and I know it must be hard for her to hear because she had to deal with my sister who WAS bulimic, but shes better now thankfully. And my moms sister who shes close is bulimic so i think its really hard for her to handle. And whenever my mom tells me I'm beautiful, I cry and get emotional because i just can't see it. I hate every pic of me. I hate my body. I keep so much of these negative feelings inside, my friends and family think I'm this cheerful fun loving charming girl who is always smiling and laughing-so they say- but deep inside I'm broken, stress, and have no one to talk too. I'm at lost. Idk what to do.
Ps if i used bad grammar or misspelling i am typing fast on an ipad, so sorry.
>>> Body image problem? No one to talk too.?
After how many days/weeks/months of playing minecraft, did you start getting good at it?
It's about my 2nd month playing it and Im starting to improve a little. I play it on my iPad and Xbox. When did you start getting good?
>>> After how many days/weeks/months of playing minecraft, did you start getting good at it?
>>> After how many days/weeks/months of playing minecraft, did you start getting good at it?
Does facebook cause BSOD?
I just got a BSOD and I'm scared. The noise it made scared the crap out of me. I researched on my ipad about it and a lot of people said facebook caused it. I restored my computer to a couple days ago.Is there anything I should know or worry about?
Added (1). This BSOD is the one with "A problem has been detected and has been shut down to prevent any damage" I didn't get to see what the file was causing the problem because I was so frightened. I feel like a wimp. Can someone explain to me what I should do from here? I don't seem to be having anymore problems
>>> Does facebook cause BSOD?
Added (1). This BSOD is the one with "A problem has been detected and has been shut down to prevent any damage" I didn't get to see what the file was causing the problem because I was so frightened. I feel like a wimp. Can someone explain to me what I should do from here? I don't seem to be having anymore problems
>>> Does facebook cause BSOD?
Apple products and wifi?
It seemd that ever since our touch screen pc was purchased and installed, we have not been able to connect to wifi using our ipad and ipod touch 4g.before we got our new pc, the wifi worked just, the ps3 and the ps vita are connected just fine and so is this pc im typing of, it allows us to connect to wifi on here which I am connected.but when I try to connect our pc o the excellent bar hotspot we have, it says its unable to connect.that's why im afraid to take the pc off the hotspot because I may not be able to connect back.but our apple products will be connected on 1 minute and not be connected the next.we called our company and they said something is going on in our are and they will let us know by calling I just tried to connect my droid x cell phone and the phone says its ipod touch is also connected.but im expecting it to lose connection soon.whats going on?
>>> Apple products and wifi?
>>> Apple products and wifi?
SD card won't let me record longer then 7 seconds. Help?
I have a 4GB SD Card in my canon dslr. I tried recording and it only let me record for 7 seconds. I have like 10 pictures on it. And I have had a lot on it at one point but put them on my ipad/laptop
>>> SD card won't let me record longer then 7 seconds. Help?
>>> SD card won't let me record longer then 7 seconds. Help?
How to change the phone number on my ipad?
I got an iPad for Christmas and for some reason when I set it up it took my moms phone number instead of mine so how do I change it to my number? Please help :)
>>> How to change the phone number on my ipad?
>>> How to change the phone number on my ipad?
Wireless Connection Problem/ Difficulty?
I have a NETGEAR router.It does connect well and everything.
But the situation is that my printer (Brother 2170W) can only work if the router is on WEP. Whereas, my iPad can only automatically connect if it's on WPA (you can hopefully understand why i wouldn't want to enter my long WEP passcode each time on my iPad).
Basically, is there any way to resolve this and either make both rely on WEP or both rely on WPA?
>>> Wireless Connection Problem/ Difficulty?
But the situation is that my printer (Brother 2170W) can only work if the router is on WEP. Whereas, my iPad can only automatically connect if it's on WPA (you can hopefully understand why i wouldn't want to enter my long WEP passcode each time on my iPad).
Basically, is there any way to resolve this and either make both rely on WEP or both rely on WPA?
>>> Wireless Connection Problem/ Difficulty?
How to lose my voice overnight?
I got this app on my ipad for when I lose my voice and I really want to use it so can you tell me how to lose my voice overnight without screaming because my parents will be so supicious
>>> How to lose my voice overnight?
>>> How to lose my voice overnight?
So I got and ipad last summer not like I really needed but I got it… I loved it at first cuz I used to play games, watch movies on Netflix, text ppl using iMessage etc… But now I bored of it mi mom cancelled Netflix because she it would "distract" mi from school which made become a lyytle… Boring seeing as I can't watch movies on it… Then again I lost interest in all the games I downloaded only play once inna blue moon… Plus it doesn't support so I can't watch bootlegged movies like inna laptop nor can I watch the free shows on Hulu cuz they want mi to subscribe n shyt… So now idk even know what to do with i hardly text on it like Used to its just there for there sakes… Then i thought of looking for some entertainment apps since I don't have Netflix anymore… Nd download abc player, cw50 n Disney xD … Which helps once inna while but I still get bored of it… Sooo Can someone gimme a suggestion to make it fun n that is also free??? Plzz don't say jailbreak cuz mi mom almost killed when she heard I wanted to do that… Cuz if I brick or anything my dad will be pissed even tho he bought for mi… He wld be angry bout the $ he spent on it… Thank you
>>> BORRED with my IPAD! HELPP?
>>> BORRED with my IPAD! HELPP?
Should I get white or black iPad (scratches)?
I want to buy white one, but I read that white one shows scratches more than black one.Is it true? Is it really so visible?(sorry for my english)
>>> Should I get white or black iPad (scratches)?
>>> Should I get white or black iPad (scratches)?
Why does the wireless on the iPad 2 suck so much?
Every six hours(sometimes shorter than that) I have to go into my settings and turn off then back on my wireless to get wireless Internet in my iPad 2.It's a 16gb 3G and was not really worth the $600 I spent on it. Does apple suck this badly? Is apple headed to even worse places after the loss of their inventor? Or are they on the rise? They certainly don't have the "sex"appeal they once had…
>>> Why does the wireless on the iPad 2 suck so much?
>>> Why does the wireless on the iPad 2 suck so much?
Runescape on ipad, Free?
Are there any free apps on The App Store which can allow me to play runescape/use flash etc?
>>> Runescape on ipad, Free?
>>> Runescape on ipad, Free?
Will this version of iPad work with Apple TV?
I have the thicker iPad one, will this be able to work with Apple TV? Like, be able to play my movies and games?
Also, how do I get the iOS 5 update for this iPad? a lot of my apps won't load because it requires this update. I tried going to settings, but it wasn't under general or anything like it is for my iPhone 4s. Help me!
>>> Will this version of iPad work with Apple TV?
Also, how do I get the iOS 5 update for this iPad? a lot of my apps won't load because it requires this update. I tried going to settings, but it wasn't under general or anything like it is for my iPhone 4s. Help me!
>>> Will this version of iPad work with Apple TV?
How to courier or send Ipad from qatar to india?
Hi my brother is in QATAR… He Bought an Ipad and he want to send from there to India(Iam In India) so is that possible to send from QATAR to INDIA… which company is available for this service?
>>> How to courier or send Ipad from qatar to india?
>>> How to courier or send Ipad from qatar to india?
Will i be able to use Pages (the app) on the iPad to edit my Microsoft word documents?
I want to transfer and edit my Microsoft Word Documents to my iPad and edit them then be able to transfer them back and continue editing them on my PC on Microsoft Word 2010.So I'm wondering if I could use the app Pages to do this. If not could someone please recommend me a good app to do this.
I have the iPad (4th generation)
Thanks in advance :)
>>> Will i be able to use Pages (the app) on the iPad to edit my Microsoft word documents?
I have the iPad (4th generation)
Thanks in advance :)
>>> Will i be able to use Pages (the app) on the iPad to edit my Microsoft word documents?
How to get to the library menu on iTunes?
How do I get to the menu shown in this image?
- Everytime I load itunes, it loads to my music / songs folder. I have no idea how to get to that menu since I hate Apple and barely ever use their products - but due to my school, we now have to use ipads. Anyone know how to get to that menu?
>>> How to get to the library menu on iTunes?
>>> How to get to the library menu on iTunes?
Is this too much to carry in my handbag?
Since my daughter was born over a year ago, I haven't carried a handbag, just a nappy bag and put my phone, keys and purse in it.
Now I am going back to work and I have to carry a handbag with me with everything I need. I do communte 2 hours there and 2 hours back.So far this is what I have in my bag:
2 mobile phones - One is my personal one, the other is my work phone which work pays for and I'm not meant to make personal calls on.
Note book and pen
Pencil case of office supplies - I have no idea what I have on my desk
Water bottle
Small container of tea bags - to go in my desk drawer, I don't drink regular tea, fruit tea only.
Rail tickets, my id, work id and oyster card.
Snacks - veggies, dried fruit, fruit.
Cables for electronics so I can charge them.
Travel makeup bag with mascara, lip balm, plasters, painkillers, handcream, eyedrops.
Business card holder with my business cards in it.
My other glasses - they have blue lenses to make reading easier for me.
Pen drive - I have been working on something for work at home.
There only thing not included is my lunch as I'll make it in the morning.
Added (1). All that makeup? All the makeup I have is a mascara and a lip balm. The rest in the makeup bag isn't makeup. I do actually need my other glasses, they have my reading perscription in them and if I head with my regular glasses I end up with a terrible mirgraine after 20 minutes.
>>> Is this too much to carry in my handbag?
Now I am going back to work and I have to carry a handbag with me with everything I need. I do communte 2 hours there and 2 hours back.So far this is what I have in my bag:
2 mobile phones - One is my personal one, the other is my work phone which work pays for and I'm not meant to make personal calls on.
Note book and pen
Pencil case of office supplies - I have no idea what I have on my desk
Water bottle
Small container of tea bags - to go in my desk drawer, I don't drink regular tea, fruit tea only.
Rail tickets, my id, work id and oyster card.
Snacks - veggies, dried fruit, fruit.
Cables for electronics so I can charge them.
Travel makeup bag with mascara, lip balm, plasters, painkillers, handcream, eyedrops.
Business card holder with my business cards in it.
My other glasses - they have blue lenses to make reading easier for me.
Pen drive - I have been working on something for work at home.
There only thing not included is my lunch as I'll make it in the morning.
Added (1). All that makeup? All the makeup I have is a mascara and a lip balm. The rest in the makeup bag isn't makeup. I do actually need my other glasses, they have my reading perscription in them and if I head with my regular glasses I end up with a terrible mirgraine after 20 minutes.
>>> Is this too much to carry in my handbag?
Anyone know what this jailbreak io6 is about?
Is there anyone out there that knows what this jailbreak io6 for IPad is all about.It is supposed to be released today.
>>> Anyone know what this jailbreak io6 is about?
>>> Anyone know what this jailbreak io6 is about?
How to watch movies on ipad to without flash or jailbreak?
How to watch movies on ipad to without flash or jailbreak?
>>> How to watch movies on ipad to without flash or jailbreak?
>>> How to watch movies on ipad to without flash or jailbreak?
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