Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How come people don't check there product before they buy it?

A woman in Australia thought she was buying two Apple iPhone's for $1, 200, when in fact, she was scammed into buying the real fruit. And back during Christmas time someone was selling a used ipad in a box near a gas station and someone brought it for $300.00 and didn't even check it out first he handed the stranger money and when he opened it it was just a piece of glass in the box why not check it out first before handing a stranger cash and there was a similar incident when the Sony ps3 first came out

См. статью: How come people don't check there product before they buy it?

How to get a picture of myself as my profile?

I just created my account here on my iPad and back in Nigeria a few months ago I was able to change the picture by selecting one from my device but now it it keeps taking me to this profile thong where I can't change my picture and the only way to put one on the account is by linking it to a Facebook or twitter account where I have neither. Can someone tell me how to do that?

См. статью: How to get a picture of myself as my profile?

Ipad mini vs laptop help!

Hello! I am a 16 yearold girl and I never had a computer or laptop before. I need one for school and also entertainment (youtube etc.) I like the ipad mini but it seems small..the laptop is around the same price and bigger but I am not hzge fan of windows. I have an iPhone 5 so I'm scared I'll get bored with it easy because I already know everything about apple products. Any opinions?

Ipad pros:
-I love apple
-It's cute and you can take it places easier
-There are many nice and cheap cases

-Easy to get bored of
-A bit pricy
-No apps for writing essays

Laptop pros
-same price but bigger
-programs for school
-I can put in dvd's and cd's

-Not a big fan of windows
-No nice cases (just bags)

См. статью: Ipad mini vs laptop help!

Yo mama was so fat when she sat on the ipod she made the ipad?

Yo mama was so fat when she sat on the ipod she made the ipad?

См. статью: Yo mama was so fat when she sat on the ipod she made the ipad?

Where can i get an ipad? (the new one)?

I checke the dollarama and the superstore cause theyre the only stores i err ho in and idk where to get one a decent price.i know electronic stores sellt hem, but where can i get them cheaper?

См. статью: Where can i get an ipad? (the new one)?

How to speed up my internet connection with my belkin play router?

I have a belkin play router (model #F7D4402 v1) and for some reason I have really bad internet connection? Its protected with wep psk password with only my laptop, Phone and Ipad connected to it (When it actually connects to the internet! and I have really bad connection! Can someone please help?

Any answers would be appreciated =)
Added (1). Ok sorry I didnt explain properly D= My phone/ipad/xbox when connected to my router run really slowly how can I make them run faster?

См. статью: How to speed up my internet connection with my belkin play router?

Things to do on a plane? - 1

So I'm going on a 10 hour plane flight with my brother and sister and I need some suggestions on fun things to do. I have an ipod and ipad but I actually JUST lost wifi and I have no games on either of the devices. I have coloring stuff and paper which might be fun for max 30 minutes. I have a ds but no games ( i know, smart me) and a few cool books.My brother, sister and i are flying alone with the supervision of a flight attendant, so i have to find something fun to do in case they get bored. They are small so i dont think a harry potter book will interest them and they cant color forever so i need advice on things to get.thanks

См. статью: Things to do on a plane? - 1

Having some family trouble.any advice?

It started last Sunday, my sister told my parents I had used her ipad without permission, which I did. I also used Snapchat, which I had been told not to use. I understand that I disrespected my parents and sister, I just think their punishment is a little severe.My 14th birthday is tomorrow, and I was told that I cannot ask to go to the pool or have my best friend over… which is all I really want… However, my mom is taking me on an expensive shopping day, and buying me a cake for when my family comes over. Why is she doing all of this for me, but won't let me have my best friend over for one night? She is doin all of this nice stuff, but won't just let me have my friend over? My mom loves her.so its not like she thinks that she's trouble.It's like she just doesnt want me to have what I really want. Any advice? Thank you:)

См. статью: Having some family trouble.any advice?

I cracked the lcd or the glass screen ipad 2?

Hello, today i cracked my ipad 2.My boy hit it against the door handle. There is a very big crack in the center and around it. I can use the ipad still, it works like normal i can use the touch screen and see everything, there are no black blodges or anything, just the light reflecting against the cracks. I dont know if ive broken the LCD or the glass [digitizer i think] but some off the cracks i cant feel.

См. статью: I cracked the lcd or the glass screen ipad 2?

Can you update your iPad without a computer?

I have an iPad 2 (black) Version 4.3.3 and I don't have a laptop/computer is there a way to update it because I can't download any apps I want like, Tumblr, Instagram and it won't work because I need a new version.

См. статью: Can you update your iPad without a computer?