Monday, June 1, 2015
What's the best item you've gotten for free besides love?
What's the best item you've gotten for free besides love?
Read more: What's the best item you've gotten for free besides love?
I do not receive email on my windows phone or ipad?
I do not receive email on my windows phone or ipad?
Read more: I do not receive email on my windows phone or ipad?
Is there a play station 2 emulator for an iPad mini?
Is there a play station 2 emulator for an iPad mini?
Read more: Is there a play station 2 emulator for an iPad mini?
What did you think of The Walking Dead ending?
I have the entire series on my iPad, an app, so I'm not sure if it has the same ending as the counsel; but it ended with Lee dying, he didn't want to transform, so Clementine had to shoot him:/ I grew so close to the characters that It was so hard to watch (and I never get so emotional over games really).
And the credits rolled after Clementine shot him. What do you think happened to her?
Read more: What did you think of The Walking Dead ending?
What were his intentions?
At the hotel the other day in the lobby I met a guy. I'm 18 years old and a female.
I didn't have anyone to talk to so I sat down and started surfing on my ipad. In front of me there was this man. I saw at the corner of my eye the way he stared at me. Then a few minutes passed by and he said:
"Hi, excuse me can I offer you a drink?"
So I said "No, sorry I don't drink." Tbh I just didn't want to take a drink from a stranger.
So he was like "Oh" then he asked "Well would you like to go outside and walk? It would be my honour" so I said:
"I don't walk outside with strangers in the dark! Hahah" and he didn't find that particularily funny.
Soo then there was this awk silence and I went away. THEN I met him in the elavator and he smiled at me. He asked where I lived and what my name was and how we should grab a coffee sometime.
Read more: What were his intentions?
Can going to on a ipad before you go to bed stop you form growing taller?
Can going to on a ipad before you go to bed stop you form growing taller?
Read more: Can going to on a ipad before you go to bed stop you form growing taller?
What app or program that can block facebook on ipad and pc?
What app or program that can block facebook on ipad and pc?
Added (1). please, please help
Read more: What app or program that can block facebook on ipad and pc?
Is there something wrong with me because I love Dylan O'Brien too much?
I am literally in love with Dylan. I feel as if I really know him. I have him as every wall paper I could possible have (phone, laptop, desktop, and iPad) and I have a collage of him in my room which consists of roughly 1,000 pics. My whole camera roll is basically Dylan and I have about 3,000 pics on my phone. It has gotten to the point where I am convinced I am dating him and I and watch his movies and shows without struggling and feeling as if he is cheating on me… I seriously think I have some sort of issue. I am writing a Dylan fact, quote, and picture book. I am 13 and sometimes I get depressed because I know I will never be with him. This is not some fangirl crush. I am in eternal and unconditional love with Dylan O'Brien. 
Read more: Is there something wrong with me because I love Dylan O'Brien too much?
Read more: Is there something wrong with me because I love Dylan O'Brien too much?
Ipod touch 5 vs ipad mini for gaming?
Which one should i go with if i like gaming. However i do like to put things in my pocket but its quality that counts for me
Read more: Ipod touch 5 vs ipad mini for gaming?
How and where does one dispose of ipad styluses? Are ipad styluses recyclable?
How and where does one dispose of ipad styluses? Are ipad styluses recyclable? - 1
Read more: How and where does one dispose of ipad styluses? Are ipad styluses recyclable?
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