I,m a 16 year old boy and my parents won't let me get a phone. Its not like they can't afford it we are uper middle class and i've seen them file taxes in fact i even offered to pay for it. They still refuse no matter what. Every kid in my grade (Grade 11) has a phone im not even exaggerating. It's not even like i live in a rural community i live in the heart of Toronto and everbody by the age of 15 will have a phone. I,m not a bad irresponsible kid either, i've never done drugs, i hang out with the right people, my rooms always clean and i always listen to my parents. I do alot of extracurricular and i have had trouble getting home on many occasions. I won't even get addicted to it and my parents know it. Any tips on how i could convince them?
(P.S i don't have an ipod or ipad i use a desktop for all my internet surfing)
Read more: I am 16 years old and i don't have a phone?