Since my daughter was born over a year ago, I haven't carried a handbag, just a nappy bag and put my phone, keys and purse in it.
Now I am going back to work and I have to carry a handbag with me with everything I need. I do communte 2 hours there and 2 hours back.So far this is what I have in my bag:
2 mobile phones - One is my personal one, the other is my work phone which work pays for and I'm not meant to make personal calls on.
Note book and pen
Pencil case of office supplies - I have no idea what I have on my desk
Water bottle
Small container of tea bags - to go in my desk drawer, I don't drink regular tea, fruit tea only.
Rail tickets, my id, work id and oyster card.
Snacks - veggies, dried fruit, fruit.
Cables for electronics so I can charge them.
Travel makeup bag with mascara, lip balm, plasters, painkillers, handcream, eyedrops.
Business card holder with my business cards in it.
My other glasses - they have blue lenses to make reading easier for me.
Pen drive - I have been working on something for work at home.
There only thing not included is my lunch as I'll make it in the morning.
Added (1). All that makeup? All the makeup I have is a mascara and a lip balm. The rest in the makeup bag isn't makeup. I do actually need my other glasses, they have my reading perscription in them and if I head with my regular glasses I end up with a terrible mirgraine after 20 minutes.
>>> Is this too much to carry in my handbag?