Friday, October 12, 2012

Spiritually Speaking: Mel Gibson MArket REsearch Survey?

When choosing a celebrity to actively dislike which of the following do you look for?

a) Alcoholism

b) Racism

c) Religious insanity

d) Sexism

What deciding factor would get you to attended the premier of Mel Gibsons next BLOCKBUSTER?

a) My faith in God

b) My faith in Mel

c) The mastery of Mels, undeniable genius as a film maker

d) Mel doing Full Frontal nudity

e) Car chases

When you stop and think, "Mel Gibson" which of the following products would you associate with him?

a) iPad

b) iPunch

c) iCrash

d) Tequila

Thank you for your cooperation.
>>> Spiritually Speaking: Mel Gibson MArket REsearch Survey?