Lets face it in today's world carrying around a big printed portfolio is cumbersome. The size, the weight, and then if it rains!!! It is simply a pain!
So, like most people I want to update my portfolio… It is digital already, so that is one positive going for me. But which tablet is the best??? Or should one go with the iPad?
What apps are the best for displaying artist portfolios?
Opinions, advice, and links would be greatly appreciated.
Also, how long will it be before Apple releases a touch screen laptop? I think if they did it would kill the iPad, so I do not think they will right away. On a side note, I also want to get a drawing tablet from Wacom… Intuous, or Cintiq;. If the touchscreen technology catches up, won't Wacom go out of business anyways? I am only thinking outside of the box, so please focus more on the first questions! This is just something additional you can comment on. PLEASE COMMENT ON FIRST QUESTIONS, then if you want to chime in on touchscreen tech feel free to do so.
>>> Tablet or iPad? What is best for Artist Portfolios? Best App for Portfolio?