Saturday, October 20, 2012

What should I get: electronics?

Okay so my mom has a little extra money like about a thousand. She wants get use $500 on me and she says she wants to buy me The New iPad, but I'm thinking a little different. Okay, with that money I could get the Samsung Note 10.1 (witch is also about $500) or a Nexus 7 Tablet & a iPod touch 5g. I really want to get a iPod touch 5g because I like the portablility of it unlike and iPad and I could still get a nexus 7 tablet cause I like the android platform.So my options with $500 bucks are:
Samsung Note 10.1,
Nexus 7 AND iPod Touch 5g
Please help me choose cause Im wondering if the iPad is that good or the Samsung note!
>>> What should I get: electronics?