Ok so here's set up: The cable modem is in the study as is a desktop which connects to the internet via hardwire. There are 3 laptops (2pc 1mac), 2 other desktops (usb wireless adapters), xbox 360 and ps3, 4 iphones and an ipad that all need to connect to wifi in the house at any given time.
We do gaming, stream netflix, massive downloads using p2p, upload large files (digital artist), stream webcams (security) and then your usual internet browsing type stuff (youtube, fb, email, research, whatever).
We have xfinity and have a 35mbps downspeed (i thought we signed up for higher but i guess not, i will call and fix this, what speed should I ask for? is 105mbps too much?). I bought a wireless router about 5 months ago.this one: http://goo.gl/MB6RI (used, off someone on craigslist) and while it worked great for a while all of a sudden starting about a month ago it started crapping out on us. The wifi and even the hardwired pc in the study would just lose internet connection.It would just disappear from available networks and then come back and then go off and then come back and then yeah you get the idea.
So we'd reboot. Restart. Power on and off. I've reset the router to factory settings and started from scratch. Changed frequencies.etc etc. And still the same problem.It'll work great for maybe 1/2 the day and then just drop off again. Finally I got fed up and went to Frys today and bought this monster: http://goo.gl/kqgPM but I feel like $200+ might have been a bit excessive. I might have been upselled the crap out of because I was desperate for just something that would work and stay working. I told the sales associate I wanted something like that. And that our house is pretty large and we need excellent range and told her about all the devices that connect and our needs and stuff.
So my question is what internet speed should we be using. And is this the best router for us or is there something better or cheaper or what. MANY THANKS!
>>> What wireless router do I need to get?