Ok, so there's this boy who was certainly attracted to me. Each day when he'll see at my school, he'll literally spend 6-8 hours with me. Not 1, 2 or 3 hours, 6-8 hours literally. We would often watch movies during our free time, talk about life, relationships, and the bible(we're both Christians) He always offers to buy me lunch, like small lunch while we watch a movie on his laptop, I only said yes once and no the other times. When we are together we are ALWAYS ALONE in a secluded area a way from everyone. He never mention sex or touched me inappropriately. He often hesitate to put his arms around em when we're watching a movie. He'll often allow me to use his laptop or his Ipad.when I am sitting down using a computer, he will come around and sit right next to me. He often ask my friends for me and sometimes will e-mail me where I am. He once gave a me a massage when i asked for it and etc. You get the idea defi he's attracted to me. Anyways, I see that eh shows that he's really interested in me while I'm just there laid back just enjoying his company and I never ask for him or anything or e-mail him. I usually smile and a lot aroudn him and etc. He gets uncomfortable when i stare at him for long, i think nerves.
PROBLEM: He had distance himself for like 10 days, and then one day i contacted him where he was and if he wants to have lunch for the 1st time, he said he's free and yeah. When i see him he's like with 5 girls… friends obviously and he said we were eating with these people. I wasn't expecting that. Things felt so awkward. These girls didn't even try to get to know me I felt like t he most mature in that group there and the one staring convo. I think eh knew i felt awkward because it wasn't something i wasn't expecting anyway I walked in front of the group. I was mad. I think he noticed. Why would eh do that, I was expecting solo time with him.
>>> Why would eh do such a thing to me? 5 STARS!?