Last night I was at a girls house.It was a free house with just me, the girl, and her sister. The girl was sat in the middle of the couch holding an iPad and her sister and I was sat either side of her watching a video on youtube.At this point she was sat on her phone, both hands never left the ipad as we we all watching this video.
Suddenly the house phone rang. Her sister went to answer it, and there was a silence followed by a computerized voice saying "go die", as if somebody had text the home phone.At this point we were slightly creeped out but we thought somebody was screwing with us because it was coming up with an 07 number.
We tried re dialing it, the first time it said it was engaged, the second time it rang the girls phone.At this point we were freaking out because one, that girl doesn't even have the home number saved into her phone, and two, none of these girls had touched the phone at all until the girl realized it was coming from her phone.
Does anybody have any explanations for this? Perhaps somebody somewhere else sent a text to the home phone and somehow managed to make it show up as the girls number?
Please help!
>>> Any explanations for this scary incident?