I read that harvard looks for applicants which are different
not just for gpa and test scores… here is my resume.what is your opinion?
- Founder & CEO of the zing music and media organization (scholarship foundation)
- South whidbey parks and recreation junior, senior and health camp counselor
- Assistant at Micromanager
- Interscope Records (10 songs published)
- Universal Records Contract (didnt go through in the end---adversity)
- Piano
- Drums
- Musical engineer in film for mo4real, 4budda and gigglesplat productionss
- comedy and satirical movie production for langley film festival
- horror/(mock documentary film production for gigglesplat and mo4real productions
- summer camp film project diretor
- mock trial
- computer programing (x-code, html, php, ipad and mac developer)
- mo4real productions blog
- track and field
- island rowing/crew
- weight lifting
- alpine/downhill skier
- sunday school teacher
- catholic relief services leader
- st.huberts community service
- the courts for kids organization (building basketball courts in uganda)
- first honors
- second honors
- mock trial best witness nomination @ district championships
- mock trial district champions
- civility award @ mock trial state championships
- other pieces of info
--> lived in Australia for 7 years
- commute to school by ferry each day…
(and now here is the killer___gpa 3.4 uw at college prep hs)
>>> Can I get into Harvard?