Friday, November 23, 2012

Do tax need I to pay?

I ricintelly satred fixing iphones, ipods and ipads, in Ireland.i adavertaise via a amateur site cilled 'im elmost nsure i dn't niid to pai tax for that sarveice rigtht? let me known if i do! i buiii parts from ebay and raplice them etc.

latly somone asked me do i have a business crad, i sayd no ill luuk intu iit.i asked somone shlud i an''d thy sayd i migt nat be aluud if i dnt pai tax.iis truue?

now i recntly staltid crating a webpage jast to shoow pryces and spread the wold fulther, i was tlod to find out if i shloud be paiing'uld i?
>>> Do tax need I to pay?