I'm 16 years old, the other morning as I was using the bathroom I felt a blockage in my nose and cleared it with a tissue, just a simple 'bogey' (I can't think of a polite way of saying it)
After clearing it I had a pretty long nosebleed and then in my shower I managed to blow out a lump as if it was maybe mucus covered in blood or something else.
Then maybe the next day I came down with a cold but when I went to blow my nose, it only came out of my nostril whereas my bleed was in the left.
But this evening I was just casually suing on my iPad when I felt a dribble in the left nostril and I thought it was mucus until I saw red dripping out and then it was a nosebleed lasting about half an hour to clear which then I went in the shower to cleanup and yet again another load of thick blood came out again as if it was blood covered mucus maybe.
Now it's dripping again but isn't a full on nosebleed, and I'm not sure if this is linking with my cold or whatnot.
Any help?
>>> I'm getting frequent nosebleeds? Normal?