Whenever I insert a USB device - be it a plain old USB, my external hard drives, iPad/iPod or my mouse - the laptop monitor goes to sleep until the device has finished loading. Moving the touch pad on my laptop wakes it up and brings the screen back but if the USB device hasn't finished loading then it'll just switches it back to sleep. This occasionally also happens when I'm moving something on or off or using something on the USB device.
I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 running Windows 7 Home Premium. There's three USB ports and this problem occurs in every single one of them. According to Windows Update I have no updates required.
Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? It's kind of annoying.
Thanks in advance
Added (1). Add please don't suggest I just stop inserting USB devices. That's not helping, that's being a troll.
>>> Monitor Going to Sleep when Remove or Insert USB?