I've been an office manager at a construction development firm for about 5 months now.My boss is very difficult to work for and I've had several other employees quit since I've been here because they just don't want to deal with him anymore. Lately there have been some things that just seem to point to something going on and I'm not sure what it is. Let me also say that while I may not be a totally trusting person, I'm not a paranoid person either. There have been a lot of closed door "conferences" going on with another guy who my boss knows from Colorado. We have 2 different companies. One (my office) is about 20 minutes from my house and I love it, the other is about 45 minutes from my house.My boss used to spend 90% of his time in my office. Now he's spending about 90% of his time in the other office, but I know there's not a lot of work in that office, so not really a must for him to be there. He came to me yesterday and said that we're going to be closing my office and that I'd probably be going to the other office, this was after he just had me spend $300 getting new business cards made for him and myself. We spent a lot of money on new macs and ipads recently, and the owner is personally wealthy, so I don't think we're having money problems, but I feel like SOMETHING is going on that he's not telling me.
I do have days where I love this job, but it's extremely stressful working with a boss that is extremely micromanaging and critical. The other thing is that I can't remember when I last worked an 8 hour day, it's usually 10-12. I really don't think he would let me go, he really depends on me for a lot, but who knows, I guess there's plenty of fish in the sea so he could hire someone else. Curious to see what everyone else thinks.
>>> My boss is acting kinda shady.?