Hi, I'm a 13 year old 8th grader who has a HUGE imagination.
I write novels and I love magic!
Anything from fairies to mermaids, e ct.
I believe they are real, just undiscovered. Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they are nonexistent. Like God, nobody sees him but we still believe.
There's no proof that fairies exist, but also no proof that they don't, you just need to believe.
I want to be a fairy soooooo bad, or a nymph.
I want to live with nature! Even as a normal girl, just be a nature freak and live to swing on trees.
My issue:
I told my mom this and she told me "that means No ipad and you have to live in the dirt" and tells me I'm too in the clouds.My family is spoiled and glamorous and I'm just different.
Can someone help me:(
>>> No one understands me, sad and confused?