I recently found out that I had a very bad chest infection/Bronchitis and now I might have something wrong with my Kidneys and lungs.
I tried working on my home course for schooling(upgrading) but every-time I try, I become too unfocused due to pain and coughing and I am pretty behind in my work and I only have a month left to get caught up in a ton of modules but I am still sick.
Anyways, what would you guys recommend me do about catching up? Should I phone and ask my course guidance to see if they allow a course extension due to illness, should I do as much as I can (3 modules in 1 month + tests) or should I drop out of the course for now and retry it?
I know it's kind of stupid asking this here but it helps me think of what I should do I guess… BTW I wrote this all from IPad and it hurt bad.
Added (1). Thank you Jeremy but I don't think Psychological stuff will help with this in what I need.
>>> Too sick to work on school work?