I am fairly new to iPad (I have an iPad 4, 32g). I never use it for music or movies/videos but I am going on a trip soon and decided to download some movies for the plane. I downloaded on movie, and it went into my device. Then I tried to download Downton Abbey seasons 1&2 and a message popped up that said there wasn't enough room in my device. Here are my questions:
1. How many movies will my iPad hold at once?
2. Once I watch a movie, it looks like the only option when I'm done is to DELETE IT with the little x. Where does the movie go? Is it gone or does it go in a cloud to be retrieved later and how do I retrieve it?
Thank you for your help ;)
Added (1). I have maybe 20 or so apps and NO MUSIC on my iPad.
Once I watch the movie and delete it, does it go in a cloud or is it gone forever?
>>> Buying iTunes movies on iPad?