There's this girl in my class (I have to admit she's really pretty) but she seems kind of full of herself. She is really spoiled, she has an iPhone, iPod, iPad, tv, huge house, wii, fancy room, and lots of expensive clothes, make up, and perfume. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She always sings really loudly and she thinks she's really good. She's not bad, but its kind of annoying when she sings Justin Bieber and one direction really loudly. She is 14 and has already had some boyfriends and even kissed them. On Instagram she posts pictures of herself in swimsuits, tight strapless dresses, close ups of her face, and these poses I guess are supposed to look cute. She calls herself sexy and it just seems like she thinks she's amazing. She has done modeling and posts those pictures too. She posts pics of her huge closet, home gym, and outfits. She flirts with boys constantly.Do you think she is actually full of herself or just insecure? She's not snobby and mean, she's nice, but do you think she thinks highly of herself?
>>> Is she full of herself?