Okay, SO… My Husband claims he has had this "problem" since he was a kid.
He is in nice words- A Night Owl!!!
He said his mom gave him meds & herbs and his body became immune to it all. (which I believe is a crock of crap… but that besides the point)
We have been together on & off for 5 years- & this is a HUGE HUGE on going problem in our marriage/relationship. I have NO tolerance for it. I have asked him numerous times to go see a Doctor and just see if they can help him at all. He will literally stay up all night- mainly playing MW3 LIVE (which drives me CRAZY) ONLY because he will sleep in till 3-4:00PM everyday UNLESS he has to work then he wakes up & goes to work.
We have two boys under the age of 4 & I think he uses the excuse "I have a chemical in balance" thats why I can't sleep" which I believe is ALL in his head- He can TRAIN himself to sleep normal hours & MAN UP & be a better influence on his kids. He claims Doctors can't help him, I jeep saying "you never know till you try" he just says " He knows it wont work" So I said since you like proving me wrong so much go see a Doctor and have them put it in writing there is nothing that can be done to help you. I know I may sound bitter but I am fed up with it. I feel like a single MOM! & when He is awake he just watches TV, gets on his phone/ipad & watches videos on the internet & in FB.It's pathetic I am even asking people on here for advice haha- BUT I dont want to just "RUN" away from my marriage due to this… God, I hope I am making since.
I even had this convo with him the other day
"babe, can you please see a Doctor or something to help with your sleeping habits it's really effecting us as a couple and as a family"
him: "Why, there is nothing they can do… my mom has tried everything when I was in JR High"
Me: "JR High that was forever ago your now 25 years old… Do you know how much medicine has changed since then"
Him: "ya well nothing will help trust me"
Me: "well just go and if they say there is nothing they can do at least I know that you tried"
Him: "I dont see the point… maybe I guess"
Me: " how how about you just wake up at a reasonable time like 10 AT THE LATEST"
Him: "how about 2:00"
Me: "HELL NO… thats so stupid you have kids ***his name"
Him: "fine, 1:00?"
Me: "Wow *** really? How about 12:00 NO LATER"
Him: "12:00? no that just seems way to early for me… "
ME: Speechless and I walked away
I feel ALONE in this marriage to be honest & DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO: Advice would be great!!! Please be nice :)
>>> Real Problem Or Just Has An Excuse?