Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Which iPad would be the best investment for myself?

(Also asked in the Apple Community -->

I come to you in a 'bout of my last hope. Since the release of the iPad mini, I've been debating constantly which one i should purchase. I've come to the point where a tablet is something that would be beneficial to my work flow. Here are 10 things about me and what I'm looking for:

1. I'm a student at Columbia College Chicago, double majoring in graphic design and photography. Therefore, a tablet would be very helpful when presenting portfolio work on the fly.
2. Since I am a student, to carry my 15" MBP can be a pain from class to class when I have my books with me. I usually work off of the campus computers because I like the larger screens anyway and only refer to my laptop for local files or things not on my flash drive. Therefore… pulling it out for one thing sucks.
3. I like to take all my notes through Evernote and other various cloud sources. Keeping up with all my notebooks is becoming cumbersome.
4. Just recently, I took my first bus ride home from Chicago to Ann Arbor. I spent the whole time reading on my iPhone because I forgot my pencils to sketch some project ideas. Since there were no outlets, I ended up having to connect my iPhone to my laptop for charging after 2 hours in.
5. I love to read, a lot, when I have the opportunity.
6. I like to draw (not extensive pieces), but not physically (I make a lot of mistakes so computer drawing and the undo function has become my best friend.My drawing tablet is great.)
7. I play games occasionally
8. I work almost always out of my bed because I am incredibly lazy, but I promise I'm working on that.
9. I'm pretty app heavy, mostly productivity apps are hoarding my iPhone.
10. I end up writing most of my papers on my iPhone than my computer because its just more convent to get a head start on the train than wait until I get home to pull out my computer.

I travel a lot between classes in the city and I come home (to Michigan) when I can, which is most likely flying during non-holiday seasons. Reading that about myself, I would personally tell myself to get the larger iPad, but maybe someone else knows something that I don't that could benefit my journey. I lean toward the Mini simply because I THINK I'll be able to sketch just fine on it, but I'm not sure. I also don't like how heavy the newest iPad is.

Sorry it's a lot!
Y'all are my last hope before I go crazy!

TLDR --- I am very mobile, work a lot on my phone and am lazy. This is an investment I'm making so I'm not too concerned with cost.

For the Apple-haters --- Go ahead and give me your other suggestions. I will listen to them, but I am looking specifically at iPad for the iCloud. Keep that in mind.
>>> Which iPad would be the best investment for myself?