Well Im a city kid going to a suburban private high school.im a freshman. I hate it but I have to go there because the city public school suck.im sick of al the stuck up snobby spoiled rich judgemntal racist suburban kids. They always tel me "your neighborhoods scary.its ghetto" when like no its not its actually one of the nicer city neighborhoods. its not like good like suburban neighborhoods but its alright, its safe. and my one friend said hes scared of it cuz of black ppl.hes racist! and besides proly like 60% of my neighborhoods white and i love having diversity. thats another thing the school is too white i hate being surrounded by white ppl all day cuz omg.my best friend who goes there is black. and theyr all so spoiled almost everyone has an iphone(not me) and some have an iphone and their own ipad they bring to school and some have fancy iphones and theyr own laptop, some touch screened. its ridiculus.
Added (1). Btw im white
>>> I hate going to a suburban school?