Wednesday, January 2, 2013

IPad 4 problems? Does any other iPad 4 owners iPads' do the same things?

Ok so I got an iPad 4 and its like a little over a week old.It has 2 problems. When I power it on the normal lock screen comes on and the slide to lock motion happens. But you have to wait five seconds for the touch screen to work.So pretty much when u turn it on it takes 5 seconds for the touch to work… The others problem is when the battery is dead, and it does the empty battery sign like all apple products do. But then once it goes off the screen flashes white. I've tried everything and called apple three times. Please noone tell me to take it to the store. I'm doing that soon but I want to see if I can do it myself please help! Do other iPad owners experience the same things?
>>> IPad 4 problems? Does any other iPad 4 owners iPads' do the same things?