I need another use for paint brushes. I have literally 1000, s I found in a trash bag over on the other street near my pad and I keep trying to give them each purpose now that their on good hands. I've labeled 13 so far as followed:
1 Paint.
2 Stir drinks (hot choco, coffe… ) etc
3 apply makup (girls only obviously)
4 use this for another color paint so I don't have to clean #1
5. Trim bristles lower and brush teeth with shortened bristles
6. Use the wrong end of the handle for miscellaneous purposes
7 sharpen the end and use for toothpick
8 I can't remember this one but chances are its not important lol
9. Put on display in a makeshift "art museum"
10-11donate these two to local pre school
12 sharpen end and use it to reset electronics (very small reset button on most)
13 pair this one up with the next 5 and do something with all six. Not sure yet about these or the others. That's why I'm asking lol
Please let me know what suggestions or what you do with your brushes? I'm not a cheap person (I'm on a iPad) but I do not like waist so DO NOT ASK ME TO PLACE THEM IN THE WAIST BASKET
>>> Other uses for paint brushes'?