I've been dating my bf for almost 2 years now, ever since we started dating, we've always been long distance. We see each other once - twice per year for 2 weeks - 1 month and we do skype call every day or almost every day. He's currently in college but will only be in college for a year because of financial issues. I really want my life to start falling in places. I've never loved anyone as much as i have loved him, i never could imagine my life without him and i still can't. I really want to be secured though for the future, yes we've had ups and downs, I've messed up and he forgave me and I really appreciated that. I do give him like everything: ipad 2, monthly videos, weekly pictures, and etc., I helped him with some financial stuff too. I love him unconditionally but I've been thinking about my future, if I stay with my bf that I honestly love more than anything in the world, I'll have to wait like 3 years? until we'll actually rent a appartment together and live together, but I've met a very kind man who's financially stable, he has a great paying job in the government, hes really really nice, we've known each other 5 months now? he's where I am, and we're great friends. He likes me I know but he does respect that I have a bf. He's told me he can secure my future and I know he can, he already has a house and 3 cars, and he has a good paying job and when hes tired with his government job, he can easily get another job he want, I'd be set. The thing is, I really love my bf, it'll be a struggle but idk, i do like the other guy too, I can love him and I do love him but I love my bf more. Please give me advice and your opinion. I've seriously been stressing out about this for 3 months now, and I've cried for straight 3 days now arguing with my baby and etc, please help. I don't know whar the right thing to do is. Also, I get along with the other guy's parents than my bf's.
>>> Please give me your thoughts and advice?