Sunday, February 24, 2013

IPod Touch, iPad mini, iPad (Retina), 3DS, Wii U or wait for next-gen Xbox?

Basically, I got an iPod touch about 14/15 months ago, within about 10 moths it was dying (charger didn't work, I had cracked the screen and it was being generally temperamental) and by 12 it was finally out, no longer works… at first I just wanted to replace it but I have been browsing the web and due to being COMPLETELY indecisive I am now not sure what I want.

Firstly I could get a new iPod or either version of the iPad to replace it, with cheap games and the iTunes store for both music and movies, which would keep me entertained, the only problem is that Apple being the brand it is, can afford to charge three times the production cost, which will set me back between £250 and £750 depending on what I go for.

The next option is to get myself a 3DS. Being around £50 cheaper than the cheapest Apple devices I'd be saving myself a bit plus there is a great library of games such as the Mario games (Kart, 3D Land, Bros. 2) plus it has the physical buttons which is nice. I previously had a DS lite which was fun until after about 4/5 years, it packed in. However games are expensive compared to the AppStore…

My next option is the Wii U which personally looks pretty good to me, which nice games better for more hardcore gamers (Batman: Arkham City, Assassins Creed III etc.) it would replace the Wii that currently resides at my mum's house. The Wii U is apparently fully backwards compatible which is great, meaning that none of what we have will go to waste…

Finally we come to the Xbox. There is currently a 360 at my dad's, but with Sony bringing out its PS4 any week now, DualShock4 announced and E3 looming just around the corner, is it worth me holding out for the next-gen Xbox announcement to see what it has? The current rumors aren't getting my hopes up but they are just rumors…

What do you think and what would you choose from the above? I would like a decent gaming PC but I'd be paying upwards of £1500 if I was going for a decent powered one that would keep up with the next-gen consoles for the next 6-10 years. For the record I will not be buying a PS4 or a PSVita.

Thanks for reading!:D (P.S. Originally posted this in the wrong category)
Added (1). I would like to point out that I won't be buying a next-gen Xbox if Microsoft screws it up, I am hoping that most of the rumors like "no second-hand games", "always on internet connection" or "Kinect only" are untrue but if they are true then I am likely not getting the Xbox unless it is extremely competitively priced…
Added (2). Also, I would not just be getting Apple devices for gaming, they are on here because they are great as all round media devices which are generally pretty portable.
>>> IPod Touch, iPad mini, iPad (Retina), 3DS, Wii U or wait for next-gen Xbox?