Alright, so I was at school today and my panties felt a little wet and I thought maybe its just discharge but I started thinking and realized I haven't had my period in a while, so the next class I asked to go to the bathroom and I did start my period and it was EVERYWHERE, All over my panties and thankfully didn't bleed through my pants !! My period is actually super heavy. We also have this new policy where we can bring our "devices" to school like phones and iPods and iPads and whatever.So I had my phone and called my mom asking if she could come get me, unfortunately she was 2 hours away on a work trip.and told me to go to the nurse but I couldn't just go I had to tell me teacher, and of course everyone would know what's going on. I also have super high anxiety and I started freaking out and tried shoving toilet paper up my vagina as like, a tampon. Cause I thought I could ask a friends or someone later if they had a tampon. But the school uses really thin toilet paper and it pretty much dissolved in my vagina.So it's been like 5 minutes and I really needed to get back to class. I was actually thinking about staying in the bathroom, but they'll call you over the announcements and I'd get in huge trouble.So I decided to look in the box that people put their tampons in and pads and I thought maybe someone put a non used tampon in their like maybe they were gonna use it but their period was done so they just pitched it. I was unlucky though, and did not find any unused only used.So I finally came to the conclusion that the only thing I could do was use a used tampon.So I found the least bloody one in the disposal box and it was really big from being soaked and I'm a virgin so my vagina isn't very big so I stuck the handle of the toilet cleaner in a little to open it up and then pushed the tampon in and wiped up my panties so it wouldn't leak onto my pants, I went back to class and went the whole day without a problem and got home and immediately went home to take it out and the string actually fell off of it so I took some tweezers and got it out. The point of this question is I wanna know if there is a way I could have picked up an HIV, because I didn't even think about that when I was putting it in! I also live in a town with a bunch of whores and I'm sure some have some kind of STD. Please help ): should I tell my mom ?
>>> STDS from someone else's tampon?