I know this is a question that is asked frequently but will this actually happen? I mean the ps3 came out and they showed us what ff7 would look like if it came out for ps3 and I was just like "holy sh*t!" And thought they were gunna make it but they didn't…
But I bought a remake of ff4 on the ipad and I've been playing it, it's pretty cool so far, but it's not ff7 square enix! And I also heard that they have been remaking the ff in order, like remaking the original then ff2 then 3 and onwards, which means they would eventually get to ff7 right? And with the ps4 supposedly coming out this year why not release it as one of the first games? I mean come on Sony, you want me to buy a ps4? Get square enix to make this freaking game! Plus think about all the money they will make if they stop making ff "run straightforward for 20 hours until you complete it… 13" and remade ff7 or maybe even other ff's that people like, like ff6 or 8 people actually prefer those to 7. But 7 have a freaking movie and had a prequal game made for it bitches! So which one is superior? Nah I'm just kidding, they're all great, but I just prefer 7. :P
If they do release it I want it to be alike the game, no storyline changes or anything, a few extra side quests would be nice though, and with the ff13 fighting style it would be great! And what would be better and more realistic would be if you could have your entire team fighting at the same time, and to prevent it from becoming too easy, make hard bosses harder and easy enemies come in larger packs or with other harder enemies, and with the little role thing ff13 had it would be freaking hectic! Seriously square enix if your reading this hire me to make this game, I mean you may need to do all the programming but ill come up with good ideas, heck you don't even have to pay me, just get it done! :P
In light of all this madness, Do you think there will be a ff7 remake? And what do you want it to be like?
>>> Will there be a ff7 remake?