Friday, April 12, 2013

Dream interp! Weird dream! Victoria's Secret? Pls read?

Okay so I'm a girl 13 and I'm in highschool second year,
I live in auz so there's not many Victoria secrets around lol
Anyways so I had a weird dream about me being in Victoria's Secret and for the whole time I was trying on clothes such as (sweat pants, sweaters by pink ex… ) and it was weird bc some of the stuff it had in there wasn't from Victoria's Secret, and every time someone went up to by something each different lady at the counter had something different like one would have makeup on and it was all try, one smelt really good, and the other look stunning.It was weird what does this mean.

If your gonna say its just a dream gtfo okay. I need a serious answer, I think it might got to do with the characteristics of the people of something with the room.
Also sorry for bad spelling I'm typing this on my iPad.

См. статью: Dream interp! Weird dream! Victoria's Secret? Pls read?