Hi I am currently 34 weeks on Wednesday, with baby number 5 with my oldest being 5 then 3 then 2 then 1. All pregnancys normal (little bleeding afterwards but appart from that fine) I always go over my due date well appart from my oldest he was born bang on due date any ways my problem is with these braxton hicks contractions started about a week ago and still going strong, no real pain mebys very slight back ache ( but who's to say that's even related with being so far carrying a large bump) anyways I still work and it seems the more I do the less they go away I mean anything I do brings them on stronger, anything at all it seems I do something and with in seconds they start, I have never had them in recent pregnancys so a little unsure on how they work or what there actually doing for me appart from being a big pain! Just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar situation and gotten these so frequent? I can constantly feel baba pushing down and then they start then ease off I get up to do so think and away they go again! Any info help or experiences appreciated :-) thank you in advance
( please mind spellings as on ipad little bit of a pain to keep going through and correcting :-) )
См. статью: 34 weeks baby number 5 and.?