Sunday, May 5, 2013

I saw my doppelgänger, what could this mean?

I have never been overly suspicious, and more often than not i treat mythology and folklore as interesting stories rather than genuine beliefs. However, last night I was sat in my room, the only source of light being my ipad screen. I was sat researching a homework assignment. Suddenly, I felt as though there was someone else in the room, in a feeling I can only possibly describe as feeling a weight in the air to the side of me. I moved my eyes from the screen and saw a figure stood in the corner of my room. The only indication that this was my doppelgänger is the fact it was wearing clothes that I own but haven't worn for a year or so. I couldn't make out any facial features but I most definitely felt this daemon smile at me. I still haven't decided whether it was a benevolent smile.
I reached over and in a state of shock turned my beside lamp on, and when I looked back a couple of seconds later, it had vanished. I went back to my work - but kept the light on for the remainder of the evening.
I tried to recreate the experience the night after but to no avail, and I am left wondering if I have possibly had a premonition of my own death. I am a relatively rational person and don't find myself sacred easily, and the night in question was no exception, the only feeling I felt was a sense of foreboding.
I have considered other possibilities, such as an over active imagination. Even over tiredness from looking at the ipad screen. Or even books ive recently read (Frankenstein by Shelley and The Double by Dostoyevsky seem likely culprits, although I haven't been effected by them in any negative way)
But I know, deep down, that what I saw was not my imagination. The body of the person was too dense to be mistaken for a spirit or even imagination. Can anybody shed some light?

См. статью: I saw my doppelgänger, what could this mean?