Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why do so many people still choose to get an apple product instead of andriod?

I mean I tried an iphone 4s and it was the worst experince i ever had.
Reasons why,
1. I could never multitask, webpages reloads all the time. Apps have to process and reload again.
2.It lagged like crazy compared to my Lg Optimus G Pro, (typing pissed me off so much ―,.― ) on my Lg I had 19 processes open without a bit of lag.
3. Battery life is average and dies with moderate use.
4. The iphone 5 costs $167.50 to make and then charge $649.00
5. I can't manage my files or use NFC, The bluetooth rejects all other devices that are not Apple
6. Flash Player is not avaliable for Iphone
7. Iphone can only use a few type of file formats, why on my Andriod device I can play any type of file, and extract rar. Bins.and so on.
8. The Iphone has to be linked to itunes and have to be tethered to a Pc to download a video or mp3 you want. (On my Andriod device i don't have to do that instead I just download the file on to my device)

The list goes on and on, people that own an apple product tell me what you really like about your apple device because all I have on my end is frustration towards my apple device.

(Also owned an ipad 3 that I felt hatred to and sold it for a Nexus 10)

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