I'm adopted and 14, I am of Danish origin but I live in England with what I like to call my sister, mother and dad (None are related to me). I'm grateful that they adopted me but I'm really starting to hold a grudge against them.
My sister is 17, she get's everything and has never worked or does any chores and yet she get's £30 a week for absolutely nothing. She has her own car which she can't drive yet brought by her parents. Last Christmas she got several expensive items such as an Ipad, Iphone and a laptop (Repeats for her birthday). She pays no rent and is allowed as many friends over and can throw parties when ever she wants. Her family (Including uncles, aunties etc… ) give her anything she wants.
I am 14 years old adopted at 10 years old. I'm not allowed a phone and for Christmas I got a shirt (Which I am grateful for but seems petty compared to my sister). For my birthday I'll get a bag of sweets which is fantastic! yet seems petty compared to my sister. The uncles and aunties want nothing to do with me. The household get intimidated a lot when I speak Danish to my friends on the internet and tell me to shut up or speak English (Over Skype). I have been forced to get a job because I am now paying rent… and this is along side me starting GCSE's at school. I have two paperounds (One before and after school) and I work in a restaurant on weekends. The rent varies on how much the household needs to last each month (We are always very low on money and my rent is always £200+ a month) I have been researching this and they do own me and everything I have until I get to 16. Still I think it's unfair. Compared to my sister who has to do nothing. I am made to cook for my family under the excuse that it is a life skill and I need to practice it. I have resorted to helping my friend sell canabis for extra money which has earned me my own computer parts to assemble which is pretty much all I own in this house.
I think my parents only want me just so they can milk the money out of me, what do you think? what can I do? I've tried rebelling and it ends up with anything in my room is given to my sister. I did have a 32" 3D tv which I saved up with my real jobs but due to my rebellious actions it was given to my sister.
Please help.
Added (1). Yes I have tried to talk to them calmly, I have tried every way of confrontation and they say I should be grateful for having them adopt me. Which is true I should be but this is… a little over the top.
Added (2). No I have not had contact with any social worker since I was 12, I have become independent and have hardly anything to do with social services now.
См. статью: I have no idea what to do.?