My boyfriend and I were having a normal and nice conversation on the phone, out of the blue, he demanded me to buy him a ipad, chain and book a holiday. I said to him, no to him, he was like but buying him a gift would be 'cute' and 'romantic'. He was saying things like, gifts are best way to prove someone's love. I replied to him, no they are not. After, our conversation he hung up the phone, and told me not to call him till he does, not to see him till he says it's okay. Thing is, I buy him gifts on a regular basis, even get him cards whenever he accomplishes something, but he doesn't show any appreciation at all, and when he does he is critical. I am a very understanding person, he had a rough childhood so thats why I am patient wirh him, but my patience is running out.
I need advice on what to do, I am aware he is under a lot of stress due to family/work problems. But, my patience is running out with him.
См. статью: Hello, I need advice on whether I am over-reacting or being sensitive?