So my exhusband has issues.ptsd and i believe undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Our son has kept him going. While I don't agree with his parenting, he loves his son and our son loves him. Well, shortly after buying a house with my bf my ex husband drops our son off unannounced and tells him he won't see him again.a few days later, he emails me and explains he just had a panic attack and would like to see his he does.but when me my son, and my bf go on vacation i get emails saying it is better that our son stay with us (my bf and I) fulltime (we had shared custody) because thats what he wanted was to provide a family for him. The emails become more extensive and I worry about suicide. I contact his mother and his neighbor who is a good friend of his, although I do not know her well.So basically what they get out of him is that he needs time to collect himself and rebuild.we have been divorced for almost seven years and he apparently had this fantasy of getting back together and having a family.So with this limited background, what do I tell my son? His dad is emailing me (btw only email bc i have a ppo on him bc he threatened me and my bf before) saying this is permanent. Also, I was going to keep sending my son to the same school, but in light of this, i don't want to because his bus stop is right in front of his dad's house and the school in my neighborhood is literally acroiss the street and it would allow him to meet the kids in the area as we do not live ina typical subdivision.ugh, just words of wisdom, advice would be greatly appreciated
18 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
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I also came home from work thew other day to boxes of my son's stuff on my porch.a letter stated that it was his "favorite" included clothes, stuffed animals, his computer, and even his ipad.thankfully, my son did not see this and the boxes are currently hidden in my basement. What to do… what to do.
См. статью: What do I do, my ex husband is walking away from our son?