steve jobs founded Apple, becoming a big hit and rival of pc during late 70s and 80s, he was stupidly fired once the company was big, in late 80s, slowly apple started going down, til middle 90s when it was declared in bakrupt, doing cd roms and stupid things, then they brought steve jobs back in 1997, he was like "dafuk are u doing?" he instantly got rid of all the products they had got and in process ones, he had bright ideas as always and he reduced the products to the imac in 98, powerbooks and ibooks in 99 and 2000, he brought apple up again, he rescued apple, all 2000s, he never stopped reinventing and inventing, ever since he died, all they are doing is stupid decisions, just like they did when SJ was fired, its still popular, but i dont think apple will last 5 years more, its been almost 3 years since steve jobs died, and the products are still the same, they shuold have changed by 2012 (Jobs changed his proucts every 4 years), they have focused on the ipad and iphone making them slimer, talk about IOS 7, steve jobs would be like dafuk are u doing? again? lol, i just dont give apple 5 years more lol, i dont know what u guys think
Added (1). i wouldnt doubt so guys, apple was big in the 80s, probably like now, talking about cash? back in 1985, the lisa mac thing was sold really expensive, and it was a total hit, so dont u think the company is wealthier now, everyone forgets how big was it in the 80s, and how it died in 1987 when steve jobs was fired, of course in 1990 it was still famous with some products without Steve Jobs, but dont forget apple in 1995 and 1996, it was just about to die, Steve Jobs was the heart and brain of that company, i guess it will just be legacy, cause apple was really cool, i give it 4 years more guys
Added (2). steve jobs was working before he died, but he didnt concluded that, and apple didnt have the will to keep on doing it, they just put their efforts on iphone and ipad, all the decision are taking by them now, even if steve jobs would have left ideas for the next 10 years lol
Added (3). @CC, well that "wow factor" is indeed what drives people crazy and what made apple go up within Steve Jobs, do u think apple is Apple because of pure luck lol no no
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