Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to stop falling asleep?

I fall asleep everyday with my light on. Only about 1 or 2 days a week when I don't. I'm usually doing something like studying, or watching YouTube on my iPad, so I sit or lie on bed when I do these things. My eyes start to get blurry at night, and I can barely watch a YouTube video without me closing my eyes, and my mind drifting off, so I usually doze off and miss what happens in the video. I am currently writing this at 5 am, because I fell asleep sometime around 10:30 or 11, and woke up with my light on, and I was in my clothes. My mom usually turns off my light, but not all the time. I try to have power naps if I'm feeling really tired, and I did this last night. My mom told me about this study that said the good amount for a power nap is about 20 minutes, so I set a timer on my iPad, with full volume, for 20 minutes, and I also set an alarm on my iPad for 20 minutes ahead of the time I fell asleep. They didn't wake me up, and I don't even know if they went off. This happens all the time, and that's why I usually get angry whenever I fall asleep and don't wake up. I don't like when I do this because I always miss saying goodnight to my parents, and I'm usually texting a friend before I fall asleep, and I leave them hanging.

How can I stop falling asleep in bed with my light on while I'm doing something important like studying?
How can I stay awake and alert late at night? I go to sleep at about 12 or 1am on school nights, and wake up at 6:30am because there's just so much to do before I can sleep.

All answers are appreciated! Thank you!

Читать далее: How to stop falling asleep?