It takes me over four hours every morning to get ready. I always feel like I don't look good enough and I feel the need to look perfect. That four hours or more is mostly spent on putting on mascara. Making each eyelash separate and going in the right direction. I will refuse to leave without makeup on. Also my hair has to be dead straight. I won't leave if I haven't straightened it over and over again. Also if I get a scratch on something, such as an iPad, I will rub and rub and rub for hours trying to get it off. Even if it isn't visible… It makes me feel like Its not good enough. Another thing is that if I find an insect on the floor, I can't leave it there. I absolutely HAVE to pick it up. Whether it's a slug to a worm to a caterpillar… I fear that It will be stepped on. Also if I have furniture and it gets a miniature chip on it, I will buy a new one. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough if my room isn't perfect, or any of my possessions. Getting ready in the mornings makes me so stressed out that I'm hurting myself physically. I hate how I feel the need for everything to be perfect. What's wrong with me? What do I have?
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