My ipad stopped working last year after I dropped it. I didn't have any cash to get it fixed so I went months without it. I googled how to fix it and I did brillantly and I've been attached to it ever since. That was September. When I use it… It's usually on my stomach or lap. Really close to my body. Well my friend saw me some weeks ago and said, "Be careful of all that radiation because it can cause cancer." Ever since then I have been so paranoid and now my stomach aches whenever I use it. My tummy rumbles alot now. If its in my lap. The same thing happens. Sometimes I forget what he says and use it frequently. Then when I remember, I try to decline usage. I am only 20… I pray I don't have cancer or get it especially stomach cancer. I am a woman and I want kids and to be able to carry them and conceive them. I am just freaking out. Cancer doesn't run in my family thank GOD but I'm afraid.
Read more: Do iPads cause cancer?