okay i live with my aunt and uncle and cousins.
My aunty is more of the understandable one. My uncle is more of the one that makes a mess as he goes to solve a problem, he is an ex cop. My aunty is an art teacher.
I am 16 and my cousin Abbey is 15 turning 16. We go to the same high school. We had a bit of a bad patch when i moved in. I didn't want to move in because i didn't want to ruin my friendship with her since we got really close. But now it is better.
I was in the next room on the ipad and i heard my name mentioned in the next room. So i listened. They were saying i was boy crazy and i props send nudes. I was desperate and i will be used by boys and all this stuff. (my mum is the 'black sheep' in the family so they often relate me to her) and they think i will be like her (i know i wont be like her i am my own person and will not be defined by someone else) and saying all this other nasty stuffy. It was my aunty, uncle and cousin saying all this stuff. I didn't want to hear it. But i couldn't get to my room without walking past them, and i don't want them to know i know yet. So i jumped out the window and walked around the house and got back to my room that way. But it annoys me that they think i am like that…
A small part of me wishs i walked past them so they knew i heard them just to see the looks on their faces. And this wasn't the first time either. And i am trying to be calm, but someone will sooner or later get a piece of my mind soon if they don't shut it!
Read more: Family talking behind my back?!