Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to potty train an unmotivated child?

I know I've asked about this several times before, but you still just don't know what to do. My son is three, almost three and a half. He was fully potty trained in February and March, and the. In April he just completely stopped trying. When he potty trained before it was completely his idea, he did it on his own will little motivation from me. Since April though I have been tryin everything I can do get him to go potty again, he just won't. When he's in pull-ups he poops and then gets slight diaper rashes and doesn't care. I give him a cold shower to wash it off, he doesn't care. I've had him go naked from the waist down so he's more aware of what's going on, but it didn't make a difference. I haven't let him play with the iPad in months because i tell him it's for big boys and he can play with it whenever he can show me he's a big boy by going potty. I've tried sticker charts, he just doesn't care. I've tried potty snacks, which actually worked well for one day, then he was over it. I've promised him a day out with daddy whenever he can stay dry, and he was excited about the idea, but still wouldn't go potty. I got him a potty watch and forced him to go every hour, but when it went off he would sit there for 15 minutes not able to go, then have an accident ten minutes later. I'm all out of ideas. At this point should I just put him back in diapers, and wait until he decides to do it himself again? It's just so discouraging because he had it before for two months.

Read more: How to potty train an unmotivated child?