This is very weird but one day my family and I went to the mall and before I went to the mall I charged my iPad. I am 100 % sure I on the switch I even checked. No one was upstairs. (charged it upstairs) when I got back home the switch was off. I asked if anyone went up after I charged no one did. No one was at home only my uncle and great grandma my great grandma can't climb up the stairs(she's on a wheelchair) and my uncle doesn't really go upstairs and I asked did he off the charger he just said what charger? I was so scared that someone was in my room. This is not the only time, my mom charged her phone in that room and make sure it's on( she has excellence memory than the whole family) the next day it's off. The only person in the room was grandma and she didn't even know anything about on & offs of chargers. The other time I was alone in my room and then suddenly the bathroom door was pushed open violently and I freaked out and looked around no one was in the bathroom or in the room it wasn't my siblings who is playing a trick my sibling wasn't at home, she was at piano class. My room is also colder than other places in the house please help! This is not a joke I'm so freaked out and scared.
Read more: Is my bedroom haunted or something?