Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Little information about WiFi on my devices please?

Can anyone help me find a decent resource page(s) for what devices support 802.11ac WiFi? I'm debating switching to that since I finally got bored enough to switch my router from legacy. I'm very certain that all my devices support 'n', I don't think any I have here are old enough to only reach 'g'.

My WiFi enabled devices include: LG G2, 3DS, Wii, HP printer, Acer Laptop, iPad, and PS3. Plus what ever devices my in-laws bring with them.

I'm fairly certain that the G2 will support it as I've seen a few posts saying that the person has successfully used it, but there's always someone saying it won't so I just want to be sure. I went on the Apple website to look at their specs on the iPad and it only mentioned the 802.11n and I assume those specs to be for their 2014 spring model (obviously) and mine should be the 2013 fall model as it was bought in October.

Thanks guys. I just don't want to listen to my wife complain about all her devices not working lol.

Read more: Little information about WiFi on my devices please?