I am married almost 22 years- mostly all good years.
I work full time in sales- work about 40 hours a week- and on the side play the guitar at parties and restaurants- about one night a week- for extra money.
I have a big fish pond in the yard and care for it for a bout 15 minutes a day- and I am a jogger-running about 2-3 times a week.
My wife never comes to any of the music shows- has no interest in the pond- and complains I run too much. As for her- she walks a few times a week- and then reads and plays Ipad games. When I ask her to start a new hobby with me - such as tennis- she says there is no time- or she is too tired. Yes, I give her attention-and we spend all of our free time together.
I am so frustrated and now will back off from the music as I feel too guilty about it. Bothof our kids leave for college in the fall and she says she is scared about being stuck with me alone. She has a lot of dpression in her family- and sometimes I wonder if she is depressed- help!
Read more: Please give me feedback-my wife has me perplexed?